Dark Circles Under Eyes Treatment Home Remedies How to Get Rid fast

Eyes are very important parts of your face. And when some problems related to eyes occur then face also loss beauty. And you automatically lose your confidence level. One problem that is related to eyes is dark circles under eyes.  The skin around the eyes is very sensitive there is no oil gland so you should extra take care to this area. Because of hereditary problems or less sleep dark circles appear under eyes. And these are very common in every stage of your life. Almost everyone have dark circles under eyes. And this is a simple fact that everybody goes through. There are several medical treatments for the cure of dark circles under eyes. But these treatments are not so effected and just loss of money.

Tips For Removing Dark Circles 
  1. You have to drink plenty of water.
  2. You have to complete your sleep at least 7 or 8 hours.
  3. You have to reduce your stress level.
  4. You have to add nutrients and vitamins in your food.
  5. Massage dark circles area with olive oil.
  6. Face exercise can reduce dark circles because from this blood flow increase.
  7. Home Remedies For Removing Dark Cricles

You do not need to rush because every problem takes some time to heal.

Take cucumber and squeeze out its juice. Apply this juice to your dark circles directly and leave it for 15 minutes after 15 minutes wash it off with water. Cucumber can heal your dark circles if you repeat this process in daily routine.Mix cucumber juice with potato juice and apply this mixture to your dark circle area and leave it for 15 minutes then wash it off with water.

Mix cucumber juice with fresh lemon juice and apply this as that manner. This is also the treatment for dark circles.Use cucumber pieces directly on your dark circles and leave them for 15 minutes. This treatment is very common for dark circles.

Take one tomato and freeze it then cut it in pieces and apply these pieces to your dark circles area then leave it for 15 minutes and wash it off with water. Tomato can lighten your dark circles.

Tea Bags
Use cold tea bags on your dark circles and leave them for 30 minutes. This is common remedy for dark circles which are cause by stress or less sleep.

Apply warm tea bag to your close eyes and leave it for 15 minutes. Caffeine present in tea bag increase blood circulation.
Almond Oil
Use almond oil on your dark circles and massage with it. Almond oil can reduce dark circles and puffiness under eyes.
Castor Oil
Apply castor oil to your circles before go to sleep and leave it for overnight then wash it off in the next morning.
Coconut Oil
Apply coconut oil to your dark circles in the same manner as castor oil. Coconut oil or coconut milk can heal the dark circles in small interval of time.

Ice Cubes
Apply ice cubes to your dark circle and gently massage them on circles for 15 minutes. Ice cubes can increase blood flow and through proper blood flow you can reduce your dark circles as well as dryness under eyes.
Hope these home remedies can help you to reduce dark circles which are a big enemy in the way of your prettiness.

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