Google News author biographies and clearly accessible contact information

Review complete: Site rejected why and mean 2018
We're concerned about accountability on your site. Users tell us they like to know who is writing the content they read, so we look for news sites with author biographies and clearly accessible contact information. Please improve this aspect of your site, as well as checking that your site follows our other guidelines, before re-applying for inclusion.
The author attribution checklist.

author's full name - Yes/No

author's short bio - Yes/No

author's photo  - Yes/No

his/her office address - Yes/No

his/her office phone number - Yes/No

his/her office E-mail - Yes/No

I've tried to make a few of those edits you suggested: will have difficulty getting approved without a physical address or phone number.  You are, after all, representing yourself to Google as a news organization.  Same thing applies to your reporters.  I don't think a twitter handle is sufficient contact info.  If you're going to be doing online journalism you should probably have a dedicated work email account.

1) Contact Page - I added the website's email address and social media info. We don't have a physical address or phone number for the website at the moment. 
2) About Page - I added one of these.
3) Author Bios - I created a sub-page for the Team (under the About menu), and for two of us (as an example) I added their Twitter handle (not sure people want their personal emails tagged there), and I'll add those descriptions when you click an author's name on an article (see mine - Nathan Reynolds as an example on the latest podcast post). 

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